Car Dealership Inflatables
Ideal marketing isn’t always easy to figure out, but our Vehicle Inflatable Signs are a no-brainer. The eye-catching design of our car dealership inflatables maximize visibility and can boost sales. Since we have our own in-house design and printing departments, we can digitally print any car with quick turnaround times. The inflatable styles we offer for our Vehicle Inflatable Signs (VIS) are: standard, with base, and Tentflatable, which is a fusion of a tent with an inflatable prop up on top. Use the attention-grabbing power of VIS to show off your latest vehicles in dynamic fashion.
Our innovative inflatable signs come in multiple sizes and can be customized to meet your needs. If you’re interested in renting our inflatable car displays for your dealership, give us a call or send us an email with your inquiry. We are here to help and will provide pricing and useful information. We value your input and can collaborate with any design in mind. All of our Vehicle Inflatable Signs are commercial grade and made in California, USA.